Tuesday, 17 June 2014

photo: http://www.kindletechno.com
If an business ethics question comes up tomorrow (in either section of the BUSS4 paper) please remember that Apple/Foxconn is a good example. A helpful theory to bring in when discussing this example is Charles Handy's shamrock organisation. If you were to view Apple as a shamrock organisation its core workers would be its R&D and marketing people in Silicion Valley, California. Apple's contractual fringe are the people who manufacture the iphones, ipads etc; work which has been outsourced inc. major operations in China. There is a mismatch between the soft HR and good working conditions experienced by core workers and treatment of the contractual fringe in Foxconn's factory in Shenzhen, China. There the workers 6 days a week, with some of them living in cramped dormitories and protected from committing suicide by suicide nets around the factory. There have been scandals re: use of student labour. You can read about the issue in the BBC article below and form you own views. To be fair to Apple they are not alone in facing accusations of potential double standards in tolerating poor working conditions (by western standards) in their supply chain.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Diageo's Chinese takeover

pic: telegraph.co.uk
Domestic brands are closely guarded in China and hence takeovers of Chinese companies are not that common. Consequently, the acquisition of a Chinese baijiu manufacturer by FTSE top 100 company Diageo in 2013 is an interesting example (baijiu is China’s national alcoholic drink). This is an example of horizontal integration as it was one drinks manufacturer taking over another (removing potential competition from the market and enabling Diageo to attain increased market share and economies of scale in its Chinese operations). The move is part of Diageo’s corporate objective of growth which it aims to deliver by increasing its presence in emerging markets. By widening its product portfolio in the Chinese market Diageo would no doubt hope that it could grow revenues for its other key brands in that key growth market. Having said that, the early months post-merger have been very difficult ones in that specific market as the takeover has coincided with a crackdown on corruption and gift-giving for government officials by the new Chinese President (restrictions on gift-giving has hit alcoholic drinks companies hard).  Likewise rival baijiu manufacturers have been discounting heavily which has hit profit margins and revenue for Diageo’s brand.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Chinese competition (Bullet Point 6)

Bullet Point 6 is how business strategy might be affected by developments in China. One of the key developments is that domestic firms in China are increasingly able to compete against foreign businesses both in China and in international markets. Have a look at these 2 companies as good examples of this trend:

Huawei: world’s largest telecoms-equipment-maker; diversifying into consumer electronics

Lenovo: world’s largest manufacturer of personal computers; moving into smartphones & tablets



Monday, 28 April 2014

The “item” in this week’s essay covers an ethical issue for a prestigious British organisation who (possibly unknowingly) used a supplier in China who had some unethical working practices. You will have heard of the British organisation, but not the Chinese supplier.  The essay title combines bullet point 5 with another bullet point (you could usefully look back at the essay you did for bullet point 2). If I was doing the essay the companies I would use to support my arguments would certainly include  Foxconn/Apple (unethical working practices), GlaxoSmithKline (corruption allegations).

Monday, 21 April 2014

Will Underwood's BP4 essay

Extracts from Will Underwood's essay for Bullet Point 4

Short introductory paragraph

The considerable economic growth in China can be exploited by companies in different ways with differing degrees of success. Dulux grew in China by basing production there in order to play a full and active part in the market. JLR originally imported, which despite being costly proved viable to the extent that they are now planning on producing there. Lego on the other hand currently solely import (although this too is changing)  

Paragraph 2 (the item – Dulux)

Paragraph 3

JLR’s market development strategy (from Ansoff’s matrix) in China has been based on importing so far. Currently import taxes double or even treble the price of each model. A Landrover Discovery for instance in the UK is £36K but in China the price is equivalent to £100K. The high economic growth rates in China over many years (even last year growth was at 7-8%) has created a growing middle class with a high disposable income and a taste for foreign luxury brands. JLR have been able to benefit from this with their strong British luxury brand appealing to the increasingly affluent Chinese consumer. JLR have been able to charge premium prices and still drive up sales in the 2013 to their highest ever on the Chinese mainland. All this has been achieved through importing, but with the Chinese luxury car market still growing JLR have decided that there are clear advantages to be had from operating in China rather than just importing (they are building a factory near Shanghai to be operational in 2014/15). The fundamental advantage this will give them is the chance to achieve a scale of operation in China which importing might not have allowed. It also enables them to build cheaper models (with no added import tax) for their Chinese market in conjunction with their joint venture partner Chery. Furthermore, they will be able to use Chery’s well established dealer network to achieve higher market penetration.
Paragraph 4 – Lego (success through importing – although a factory coming on line in 2017)


To conclude, the extent to which operating in China has an advantage over trading with China is debatable. There is a fine balance of risks and benefits. Operating in China may reduce costs but at the cost of sharing with joint venture partners and/or government officials. Importing therefore may well be expensive but can help protect the values that have established the brand. One of the key factors from the examples I have covered would appear to be where the company is in its “lifecycle” of trading with China – operating in China would appear to be a more attractive option for a company which has successfully built up knowledge and a brand reputation in that country through importing first. The nature of the product and service is also an important influence on whether trading with/ or operating in China is the more rewarding option.   

Monday, 17 March 2014

Links for BP4 research

Tutor2u slides


Joint ventures


Producing in China

Sales Outlets in China (Wholly owned or franchised)



Sunday, 23 February 2014

BP2 essay: Sam's intro/conclusion

pic: BBC

Thanks to Sam Watson for a model introduction and conclusion to the recent 40 mark essay on BP2 (Is the possibility of making financial losses in China due to the increasingly competitive market the main risk companies need to consider when weighing up the risks v the rewards of operating in China?). Sam’s introduction and conclusion are reproduced below.


Risk is the potential for loss (financial and other) resulting from a business decision. A reward is the potential for gain (financial and other) resulting from a business decision.
I think that the main risk to companies operating in china is making financial losses there. I think this because if a company is making consecutive losses, i.e. year on year they are losing money, this means that for a foreign company, the business venture has not been successful. I think this because foreign companies, when setting up in China, invest heavily, for example Tesco invested $1.5billion into China. If the venture into China is not profitable, this can have major implications on not just the Chinese branch of the company, but also for the foreign company’s core business. I think that making a financial loss in China is the main risk because it means the investment could be wasted, which could have been invested in a much more secure market, like the UK, which isn’t as heavily exposed to factors like competition from cheaper products, unlike in China (although Chinese made products don’t quite have the low-cost advantages that they used to following wage inflation in recent years). B&Q backs up this point, as they had to close 22 Chinese stores between 2009 and 2010 after suffering from huge losses; in 2012 B&Q experienced a loss of £3m. I think that this is a prime example of financial losses being the key threat, but I think it is also important to consider other ways of experiencing financial losses, like damaging a company’s reputation, which can lead to a decrease in sales, and so a possible decrease in profit. Overall, after considering this final point, I think that the main risk depends on what type of company is operating in China, because a company like Rolls Royce will not experience as much competition from cheaper products made in China, because the product is seen as a foreign luxury and so has a strong unique selling point. A company like that would therefore have a different main risk, possibly something like changes in the external environment e.g. if problems in the Chinese economy meant people had less disposable income to spend on luxury items. However B&Q are in my opinion, most at risk from an increasingly competitive market, as they could be undercut by a Chinese company who can make the product for cheaper, and I do not think that B&Q’ customers will have much attachment to the brand and so will not mind choosing a cheaper Chinese product.


In conclusion, I think that there are a number of risks that contend for the ‘main risk’ category, as China can obviously be a risky market to enter. I therefore think that it can be difficult to highlight a main risk, without first considering other risks and how they contribute to this main risk. In actual terms, I mean that financial losses being the main risk of China can also be influenced by brand damage and corruption, along with other threats. I therefore do not think that one risk alone can be identified as the main one, as they are all linked, for example, brand damage can lead to a decrease in sales, which can lead to financial losses in China due to increasing competition as competitors take advantage of the damaged company. I also think that it depends on what type of company is operating in China, as luxury items being sold in China may be at less risk of competition, but at higher risk from corruption. I think that this nicely summarises the fact that companies can have different main risks, depending on their product, and also possibly their location. The Bo Xilai case is an example of this, as businesses operating in Chongqing would have been exposed to a higher risk of being embroiled in corruption than businesses in other areas because of the nature of the politician in charge of that region.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Wow paragraph on Bullet Point 2 (Risks/Rewards).

Thanks to Vicky, Georgia and Hope whose last essays (bullet point 2 essay) provided the basis for this wow paragraph on the risk of corruption.

Bo Xilai in court (pic: BBC)


Another risk faced by foreign businesses in China is the risk of operating in an environment where there is deep rooted institutional corruption. This was highlighted by the trial of the senior Chinese politician, Bo Xilai, who was sentenced for life for bribery, corruption and abuse of power in September 2013. The case illustrates that the power of senior Chinese officials is not restrained by the same safeguards that we have in the UK. A free press and democratic elections don’t exist in China and the legal framework is very different to that in EU countries. The risk of corruption is possibly increased by the culture of “Guanxi” (relationships/trust) which can lead to gift-giving on a grand scale. A recent (2013) example of a UK company which has been caught up in a Chinese corruption scandal in China is GlaxoSmithkline (GSK). The pharmaceutical company allegedly used travel companies to channel £300 million to bribe doctors and officials and has admitted wrongdoing by some of its executives. This led to their sales plunging 61% in July-September 2013 with a negative impact on their brand and profits. There are a good number of other companies which have been caught in the China corruption “trap” e.g. the GSK case has similarities with the improper payments that Avon has been alleged to make in China. The end outcome of being embroiled in such corruption scandals is the risk of financial losses. So in that sense the proposition in the question, i.e. that the risk of financial losses is the greatest one that companies face in China, looks to be sound. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Research for opportunities and threats essay
Here are some great sources for you to gather information for your timed essay on Monday

Car industry

Luxury goods

Supermarket sector

Structuring a wow paragraph

In a wow paragraph you need data (economic and/or demographic), examples (compared and contrasted), business studies theory and some evaluation. Here is an example format for you:

 One of the opportunities offered by the Chinese market is the sheer size of the market (over 1.3 billion people) and an economy still growing at a considerable rate compared with most western economies (China had a 7.7% growth rate for 2013). In terms of Ansoff’s matrix China provides an opportunity for companies to pursue a strategy of market development. If we look at one specific sector of the Chinese economy, China’s luxury goods/car/supermarket sector is worth $*****  per year and is growing at X%. Company X has been able to take advantage of this growth in the market, and has pursued a strategy of differentiation in the Chinese market to great success. The specific USP which has appealed to Chinese consumers of Company X is ………………….. Consequently their results in China have been   …………………(DATA).  By contrast Company Y, seeking to compete in the same sector as Company X has been less successful as shown by its results  …….. (DATA)  The key reason for Company Y’s failure to take advantage of the opportunities provided by Chinese market is …………..(ANALYSIS)  Overall the key point which the performance of company X and Company Y tells me in relation to the question asked is (EVALUATE – EMPHASISE WHAT YOU SEE AS THE KEY POINT)

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Eating the elephant

I have recently looked back on an article I had published in the Business Review last year on the research topic to see if there is anything that can help you with your revision. The article was called "Eating the Elephant". I have tweaked parts of the article to make it relevant to this year's research topic.

In your revision remember the importance of wow examples :- examples with real depth that would make the examiner go “wow, this student has really done some great research!” Rather than having dozens of examples against each bullet point look for a few really meaty examples against each bullet point (“wow examples”) which linked in with some business studies theory. The inclusion of appropriate counter examples can be especially helpful, particularly if you can explain the difference between the counter-example and the main example. For instance, if discussing a firm which has been able to take advantage of the great opportunities of the Chinese market, explain why a rival firm in the same sector failed. Why did Firm A succeed and Firm B fail. What were the critical success factor?
Business Studies theory
You now know a considerable amount of business studies theory and it is essential you don’t lose sight of that. BUSS4 is supposed to be “synoptic” i.e. it brings together the content of the other three units. Consequently, rather than treating the research topic as an entirely separate exercise, try to link the theory into your research whenever you can. For example, if talking about the motives for JLR's growth in China; why not bring in the fact Tata (JLR's owner) is a conglomerate business which, almost by definition,  has a strategy of diversification (Ansoff matrix: new products, new markets)
And finally ………….

 In BUSS1, 2 and 3 you have been taught business studies and have done well to survive the course up to this point. Your challenge in BUSS4, particularly in the research task, is to show the examiner that you “live and breathe” business studies. In other words, you need to convince the examiner that you have absorbed the theory and are able to come up with commercially-savvy answers of your own which you can illustrate with a handful of carefully chosen, detailed, real world examples. It may sound like a tall order at this stage; but with a measure of determination and organisation, students can surprise themselves with how well they can perform on the research topic.